MoneyWorks blog

Newsletter July 2024

In this newsletter …

MoneyWorks 9.1.8

MoneyWorks 9.1.8 is due to be rolled out in the next few days. As well as the usual reliability and performance enhancements, this update contains a number of new features:

Multiple Product & Names Lists

In MoneyWorks Gold/Datacentre, it is now possible to have more than one Product and/or Names list window open. To open a new Product list window, simply press ⌘-Shift-Option-3 (Mac) or Ctrl-Shift-3 (Windows), and for a new Names list press ⌘-Shift-Option-2 or Ctrl-Shift-2.

Ledger Dashboard Chart

The new Ledger Dashboard Chart allows you to easily explore trends for selected general ledger records (see below).

Ledger view in Show Detail Lines

There are two new views when looking at the Detail Line Items. The Ledger Lines view shows just those lines that affect the general ledger (i.e. it excludes lines of orders and quotes). The Order Lines view shows only the lines for orders and quotes.

Ledger-based Analysis Reports

Analysis reporting (and the Analyse() function) have been extended to work on the general ledger.

Improvements to colours in lists on Windows

List colours have been tweaked slightly on Windows (they now match the Mac colours more closely). The original colours date from the 1990’s when many Windows computers only had 8-bit (or even 4-bit) colour, and later when the same restriction applied to RDP. To make colours in lists even easier to make out, choose a list view font (in MoneyWorks Preferences → Fonts → Set List View Font) that is semibold, like Segoe UI Semibold (available on Windows 10 and later).

For a complete list of the 100+ changes, see the MoneyWorks 9.1.8 change notes.

New Ledger Dashboard Chart

The MoneyWorks general ledger is a powerful (but often overlooked by non-accountants) feature when analysing your business. With its ability to group accounts by any of the categories, plus (in Gold/Datacentre) to dissect by department, it contains a wealth of information. The new Ledger Chart, which is supported on macOS and Windows 10 or later, makes this data available to authorised users as an interactive time series chart, going back up to seven years.

New Ledger Chart Dashboard

The new Ledger Chart Dashboard gives insights into trends in your business

The chart, which is based on posted transactions, is determined by the settings in the three pop-up menus.

  • Use the Type pop-up menu to select the type of ledger data to display. For example, setting Type to “Bank Accounts” will show your cash position over the nominated time frame.
  • Set the time frame using the Period pop-up menu.
  • Use the Breakdown menu to determine how the data is displayed at each time point. This is where using categories that group your accounts into “buckets” that suit your business comes into its own. In the example above there is an account category for recurring income (income that occurs regularly, like rental income and subscriptions). The changes in recurring income can then be easily seen in the chart.
  • Suppress selected data by clicking on its entry in the chart key on the right hand side.
  • Hover over a segment of the chart to display the dollar value.
  • In MoneyWorks Gold/Datacentre, clicking on a segment of the graph will drill down to show you the line items that make up the value.

Introducing FACT

FACT (Ferret Approval and Coding Tool) is a new product from Ferret that extends their existing Invoice/Order Automation to order entry and approval, and order/invoice matching. Many MoneyWorks users are already benefiting from the existing Ferret system, which allows you to pull supplier invoices and orders from the Ferret PDF scanning system with no need to manually enter them (and is available as a MoneyWorks Service).

Main MoneyWorks Shortcuts

FACT phone app

FACT is an alternative system, which allows online coding and approvals of orders and invoices, and, when approved, pushes them into your MoneyWorks Datacentre or MoneyWorks Now file.

  • Create new Purchase Orders
  • Approve Purchase Orders
  • Automatically Extract Supplier Invoices
  • Match Purchase Orders with goods received and supplier invoices
  • Match statements and invoices
  • Approve invoices for payment
  • Create custom delegation of authority limits/budgets as well as custom approval workflows

FACT also comes with a mobile app, allowing staff to create purchase orders and/or approve purchase orders and supplier invoices from outside the office.

For more details see this FACT overview video, or contact

Be more efficient with keyboard shortcuts

Attention all Navigator junkies: significantly boost your MoneyWorks productivity by using a few keyboard shortcuts. For example, simply pressing ⌘-T (Mac) or Ctrl-T (Windows) will open the Transaction list window without having to click your way through various Navigator panels.

Main MoneyWorks Shortcuts
  • A keyboard shortcut will immediately open a specific window, giving you instant access to the data or operations in that window.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are discoverable by looking in the menus. For example pulling down the Command menu shows that ⌘-; (Mac) or Ctrl-; (Windows) will start a bank reconciliation.
  • Where possible, the shortcuts are the same on Mac and Windows (by substituting ⌘ and Ctrl). However some shortcuts on one platform are used by the system on the other. So ⌘-Shift-3 on the Mac for example takes a screenshot.
  • If you have already opened one of the list windows, but it is hidden by another (non-modal) window, pressing the appropriate keyboard shortcut again will bring it to the front.
  • Minimising a window is a sure way to lose sight of it and make it hard to find, so don’t do it. Instead, just leave it and open a new one over the top using a keyboard shortcut. You can bring the other window to the front by using its keyboard shortcut.

If you need the Navigator again, perhaps to view one of the dashboards, press ⌘-0 (Mac) or Ctrl-0 (Windows).

Upcoming Training Courses

We have scheduled training courses on Tuesday 20th August and Wednesday 25th September in our Auckland training room. For more details, or to book your place, see

We can also do targetted on-line training, normally using zoom. If you are interested in organising a one-on-one or group session please email

macOS Sequoia

Apple have announced that a new version of the Mac operating system (Sequoia) will be shipping later this year. As usual we will be ensuring MoneyWorks operates correctly with the new OS, but in the meantime Mac aficionados should resist the temptation to adopt Sequoia as their production machine. However, if you are playing with a pre-release version of Sequoia and find any issues with the current version of MoneyWorks (9.1.8), please let us know.

Tip du Jour

Practice using the keyboard shortcuts, and leave the Navigator behind. Below is a quick exercise to get you going (the shortcuts are expressed as Mac/Windows).

  1. Press ⌘-T/Ctrl-T to open the Transaction list.
  2. Press ⌘-3/Ctrl-3 to open the Products list. Note there is no need to hide or minimise the Transaction list.
  3. Press ⌘-T/Ctrl-T again. The Transaction list window comes to the front again.
  4. Press ⌘-N/Ctrl-N to create a new record (in this case a new Transaction, as that is the front window).
  5. Press the esc key on your keyboard. This is the same as hitting the Cancel button on the new transaction.
  6. For MoneyWorks Gold/Datacentre users, press ⌘-Shift-T/Ctrl-Alt-T and a new Transaction list window will open.
    If you have your windows maximised, which is something that Windows tend to do for reasons unknown, then you won’t be able to see the other Transaction list window. “Unmaximise” the frontmost window and you should see both.
  7. Press ⌘-~/Ctrl-Tab to cycle through the open windows.
  8. When you cycle to a list window, close it by pressing ⌘-W/Ctrl-W
  9. Repeat daily until cured of your Navigator fixation.
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Newsletter April 2024

In this newsletter …

MoneyWorks 9.1.7

MoneyWorks 9.1.7 was released earlier this month. This is primarily a maintenance release, laying the groundwork for cool stuff in the future. But, as well as bug fixes and additional performance improvements, there are useful additions, including:

Enhanced Income and Expense Navigator

Configuring the dashboard

Choose what and when to summarise.

Prior to this release, the Navigator Dashboard panels have been essentially static. On the Income and Expense Navigator panel we’ve added the ability to click on the Company Name and select how to organise the income and expenses view (based on the account code attributes), and also what period to show. This has proved remarkably useful to us in determining income and expense patterns.

Over the next wee while (where “wee” is undefined, but probably bigger than we anticipate), we aim to make more and better interactive dashboards. For example, click on a column in a chart of top ten products, and see a chart of the main customers who purchased them (it’s called “cross-filtering”). We’re keen to hear what sort of dashboards/analyses you would find useful, so if you have any ideas please email

Copying code fields

Ever want to copy a customer or product code from its entry window but can’t because the field is disabled? Well now you can: just click (or tab into) to the field, and copy the text in the normal manner.

Better naming of email attachment

For those using custom Invoice and Statements layouts, you can now set a specific name for your emailed invoice/statement attachments. For example, you might want an invoice attachment to be called “Invoice 123 from Acme Widgets.pdf”. You can even make it smart, so for example if you have to resend an invoice, it could say “Reminder: Invoice 123 from Acme Widgets.pdf”. The attachment name formula is set using the Forms Designer in the List Options.

Improvements in Find Related

If you’ve never used Find Related, you are potentially missing out on a very good thing. For example, you can highlight some invoices, and, using Find Related, see just the customers involved. This actually forms the basis of the tip du jour, suggested by a very experienced (and excited) MoneyWork user who has just discovered it. But if you haven’t used it, take a look at this section in the manual.

For a complete list of changes (of which there are quite a few), see the MoneyWorks 9.1.7 change notes.

Applying Interest

Applying interest

A user recently enquired how they could apply interest on overdue invoices for recalcitrant customers. This surprised us as it was covered in a recent newsletter. As it turned out, “recent” was in fact 2011, categorical proof that time flies when you are using great software like MoneyWorks.

The solution is to use a special, free report script, which will generate invoices for interest on overdue invoices for selected (or all) customers. For more information and a download link for the script see Applying Interest on Overdue Accounts.

Upcoming Training Courses

The next training course is scheduled for Tuesday 16th April in our Auckland training room. For more details, or to book your place, see

We can also do targetted on-line training, normally using zoom. If you are interested in organising a one-on-one or group session please email

Time to get eInvoicing?

Imagine if supplier/creditor invoices just appeared in MoneyWorks without your needing to rekey them! Such is the promise (and reality) of eInvoicing. When you eInvoice a customer, the invoice will magically appear in their accounting system (even if that is not MoneyWorks, and provided it is also eInvoicing capable). This is far more cost effective and efficient than having to rekey the invoice.

“With eInvoicing, businesses no longer need to generate paper-based or PDF invoices that have to be printed, posted or emailed, and buyers no longer need to manually enter these into their financial system. It improves accuracy and security, reduces process time and speeds up payments.” — NZ Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

If you trade with government organisations in Australia or New Zealand, you can expect eInvoicing to become the norm (and probably mandated at some time in the future). As an added incentive, they do promise to pay eInvoices earlier.

In Singapore you can also send electronic purchase orders, and these will appear in MoneyWorks as sales orders ready to process. Once processed, an eInvoice can be sent back to the customer.

You can enable eInvoicing in MoneyWorks under File>Manage Services, which links you through to Link4, our eInvoicing partner. You need to provide some documentation to prove your bona fides, and that you are not a scammer. Link4 also have addtional protocols to ensure that only suppliers that you authorise can send you eInvoices. For more information see MoneyWorks eInvoicing.

For country specific information see:

eInvoicing is also coming or available in other countries, including South Africa, Malaysia, UK, USA, Canada and the EU (who actually “invented” it).

Tips du Jour

MoneyWorks Contextual Help

An often overlooked feature of MoneyWorks is the built-in Help system. Just right-click in any MoneyWorks Window and choose Help, and you will get a list of Help topics on that window. With the latest release of MoneyWorks we have also provided a more detailed table of contents—just click the More button at the top right of the Contents page.

Preparing statements for selected customers

Applying interest

You have several overdue invoices for different customers, and you want to send each a reminder with a statement. The slow (but obvious) way to do this is to treat each customer separately, find them using the search box in the Names list, then email the statement. However it is much faster to use Find Related.

  1. Highlight the invoices in your receivables list.
    Sorting the list by “Due Date” will get the invoices in one place making highlighting the overdue ones easier. To highlight more than one invoice, hold down the Command key (Mac) or the Ctrl key (Windows) and click on each invoice.

  2. Click the “Related” toolbar button
    The Find Related window will open, asking you what sort of related date you want to see. In this case the default settings are what you want.
  3. Click OK.
    The Names list window will open showing just the customers for the highlighted invoices.
  4. Highlight all the customers by pressing Ctrl-A (Windows) or Cmd-A (Mac).
    If there are some you don’t want, you can unhighlight them by Cmd/Ctrl clicking in the normal manner.
  5. Print/email the statements by choosing Command>Print Statements.
    Or use the keyboard shortcut for printing statements, which is to hold down the Cmd key (Mac) or the Ctrl key (Windows) and press ] (the right square bracket key).

Calendar Tips

Did you know that there are actually multiple calendars in the MoneyWorks Calendar navigator panel?

  • By default, there is a company wide calendar, as well as a calendar for each individual user. Clicking on the Company name will toggle between the company and your calendar.
  • You can also add other calendars. An example would be where you have one or more meeting rooms, and you want a calendar for each so people can book a room.

In MoneyWorks 9.1.7, we have also added a method for scripts to interrogate the calendar. As an example, you could maintain a “Deliveries” calendar, and a script scheduling delivery runs could interrogate that to check that is wasn’t a holiday.

See the Calendar section in the manual for more details.

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Newsletter December 2023

In this newsletter …

… but, before we get into the exciting nitty-gritty of MoneyWorks, we would like to wish you all a safe and happy festive season. Here in New Zealand we are also wishing for some good weather, as we didn’t seem to get a summer last year. Let’s hope 2024 is better for everyone, everywhere!

MoneyWorks 9.1.6

MoneyWorks 9.1.6 was released earlier this month. As well as the usual reliability and performance enhancements, this update contains a number of new features:

Multiple Transaction Lists

Multiple transaction list windows

Multiple transaction list windows.

In MoneyWorks Gold/Datacentre, it is now possible to have more than one Transaction List window open. To open a new Transaction list window, simply press Shift-⌘-T (Mac) or Ctrl-Alt-T (Windows). Similarly you can use Shift-option-⌘-T (Mac) Ctrl-Shift-Alt-T (Windows) to open a new Detail Line Items list window.

Due dates at end of several months

The end of month changes in the 9.1.5 release have been extended to allow for the due date to be set at the end of more than one month. Setting the terms to 31st day of the month following will set them to the last day of the following month; setting them to 131 will be the last date of the month following that, 231 to the last day of the month after that, and so on.

Temporary Unlocking of Periods

Exemption to Lock option

An administrator can now temporarily override period locking, something that is especially useful when end of year adjusting entries have to be entered. To do this, the administrator simply turns on the new “Exempt me from locked period restriction” in Command>Open/Close Period. Single user mode is not required. The exemption only applies to that user for the current session.

Better Dragging Support from Windows Outlook

Dragging a pdf from Windows Outlook to another application has always been problematic (and not just for MoneyWorks). There is now a “Drag and Drop Outlook attachments” option on the Documents tab of the MoneyWorks Preferences that enables new code to support dragging of attachments out of Microsoft Outlook. Note that attachment dragging works with “real” Outlook. Avoid using “New” Outlook, which seems to be a toy version of Outlook and doesn’t really support any interoperability.

Windows Support for Chinese and other non-latin character PDFs

Windows 10/11 users can opt to generate PDFs using “Microsoft Print to PDF”, which has the advantage of having full Unicode support (Chinese, Japanese etc) instead of just the limited roman alphabet supported by the MoneyWorks PDF generator. The downside is that you will lose the ability to embed http links in the PDF. The option is turned on in the General tab of the MoneyWorks Preferences. While we were at it, we also added unicode support for MAPI mail.

Note that the option is only necessary on Windows—macOS has fully supported this for many years.

IMPORTANT note for Mac MoneyWorks Datacentre administrators

In macOS, the option to specify any location for the Documents directory was removed some time ago. 9.1.6 will now reset the configured location to /Library/MoneyWorks/Documents. If your data files are located elsewhere, you must move them to this location. Then apply permissions by opening the Datacentre Console app.

For a complete list of changes, see the MoneyWorks 9.1.6 change notes.

Singapore GST Rate Increase

A reminder that, on the 1st January 2024, the GST rates in Singapore will increase from 8% to 9%.

Handling a rate change in MoneyWorks is simple, and is outlined in Changing VAT and GST Rates. Essentially, for each affected tax code, you just need to set the changeover date to 1st Jan 2024 and the Rate2 value to 9% (and Rate1 to 8%). Users should check IRAS website to see what other actions they might need to take.

Upcoming Training Courses

You don’t know what you don’t know! So why not start the new year by finding out, and boosting your productivity, with some MoneyWorks training? We have scheduled the first training for 2024 on Tuesday 13th February in our Auckland training room. For more details, or to book your place, see

We can also do targetted on-line training, normally using zoom. If you are interested in organising a one-on-one or group session please email

Holiday Support

Most of the MoneyWorks support and admin team will be taking a much needed break over the holiday period. It is theoretically summer at this time of year, so people in this part of the world will be heading off to beaches or camp sites, where they will huddle under rain sodden tents and have a good time.

Phone support will be unavailable after 5:00pm on Thursday 21st December NZDT, and will resume on 8th January. Support will be available by emailing, but with a longer turn around time than normal.

Tips for email support

When emailing for support, it is better to include as much detail as possible. Our support team is good, but doesn’t yet have any clairvoyent powers. For example, an email along the lines of “Help, MoneyWorks won’t start” (and we do get emails like this) won’t get a quick or meaningful response. With that in mind:

  • Include your Support-ID and PIN number in your email. These are available under Help>Get Support in MoneyWorks 9.1 and later.
  • If you do not have a Support_ID, tell us your company name and serial number where available (found under Help>Enter Serial).
  • Be sure to include details of the MoneyWorks version you are using (e.g. MoneyWorks Express 9.1, MoneyWorks Now), as well as the version of your operating system (e.g. Windows 10, macOS Sonoma 14.1.1).
    • On Windows, the MoneyWorks version number is available under Help>About MoneyWorks
    • On Mac, the MoneyWorks version number is available under MoneyWorks>About MoneyWorks
  • Outline what the problem is, and if you are getting an error message of some sort, tell us exactly what it says.
  • Where appropriate include a screen shot or two. For details on making screenshots see the March 2019 Newsletter.
  • Use a descriptive subject line — support tickets in a queue with a subject of “Help” or “MoneyWorks question” are not very informative, and as such are less likely to get the timely attention of the right person.
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Newsletter September 2023

In this newsletter …

MoneyWorks 9.1.5r2

MoneyWorks 9.1.5 was released earlier this month. As well as the usual reliability and performance enhancements, this update contains a number of new features:

Sidebar colour

Sidebar Colours

Coloured sidebars will help distinguish which file you are using.

If you have several MoneyWorks files, it can be difficult to know at a glance which one you are working on, even though the file name is in the title bar of the transaction window, and the company name is displayed in the Navigator. The new colour picker on the Fields tab in the Document Preferences allows you to set the window sidebar colour for that document, making it easy to visually distinguish between different company documents.

It has actually always been possible to set the colour with a script; if you have been doing this, the colour set in the script will prevail (on the next restart).

Due dates at end of month

Where your debtor terms are set to “Next Month” and the day of month is greater than the number of days in the month following, the calculated due date will now be no more than the number of days in the month (i.e. the last day of that month). Prior to this, 31st of month following would be 1st of the subsequent month if the following month only had 30 days (not to mention the mayhem of February).

Overpayments handling

New Overpayment Setup

Overpayments were originally intended to handle small overpayments on invoices made by your customers. As it turned out, they are also quite useful in handling advances and deposits.

To better facilitate deposits and advance payments, you can now optionally record debtor overpayments as a debit/credit note pair. As well as being somewhat clearer in that there is a separate credit transaction entered, this also lets you record GST/VAT for these transactions, and can also be used for foreign currency invoices.

To avoid recording unnecessary small overpayments, see the tip du jour below.

Journal Balancing

Instead of typing in the balancing amount for a general journal, you can now just click in the footer total and a balancing line will be added (or, if the last line has debits and credits of zero, inserted into the last line).

Changing Unposted Receipts to Invoice Payments

When you import transactions using Load Bank Statement or bank feeds, you may not have set up a rule to automatically allocate the payment/receipt to a customer/supplier. Now, when you open an existing unposted receipt, you have access to the Payment on Invoice tab, allowing you to convert the transaction into an invoice payment (no need to delete and re-enter the transaction).

If the transaction only has one line item, and the customer/supplier has outstanding invoices, the Payment on Invoice tab will be selected automatically. Otherwise, if the transaction was actually for an invoice payment, you can select the Payment on Invoice tab. To restore the original line(s), just click on the original tab.

Saving custom list views

List collection toolbar

Being able to customise your lists to show just the information you require has long been a feature of MoneyWorks. However, often the data you need for one task is different to that for another task. The new Columns toolbar button allows you to store multiple customised list views and recall them from the list toolbar. See Customising Your List in the manual for more information, and the tip du jour below.

There is actually a lot more in this release—for a complete list of changes, see the MoneyWorks 9.1.5 change notes.

New Support Services

A big “thank you” to those who have registered their MoneyWorks document and enabled the new Support-ID, allowing for much faster resolution of support issues. If you haven’t yet done this, please see MoneyWorks Support and Support-ID for setup details.

macOS Sonoma

As far as we can tell, there are no issues with MoneyWorks 9.1.5 running on the newly released macOS Sonoma.

Tips du Jour

Overpayments versus Write Offs

What do you do when a customer pays you slightly more than the amount on the invoice they are paying? For example, you receive a $55.00 payment for an invoice of $54.99, a discrepancy of one cent.

When you make your receipt for $55.00, you can:

  1. treat it as an overpayment by leaving the allocation against the invoice as 54.99. When you click OK you will be asked to record the one cent as an overpayment, which means you have to deal with it at some stage in the future.
  2. Overpayment entry
  3. treat it as a “write off”. Technically you now owe the customer one cent, but you can just write off that debt now and forget about it. To do this, first click the “W/O” checkbox. This allows you to allocate a greater amount to the invoice than its value, so you can enter the $55.00 actually received into the Pay column. When you click OK, you will be asked to what general ledger account you want to allocate the one cent.
  4. Write off entry

The big advantage of the write off option is that the issue is done and dusted immediately. In the unlikely event that the customer subsequently complains about the one cent, just take a deep breath and make a one cent credit note.

You can also write off amounts if the customer underpays. In this case just enter the amount received and click the “W/O” check box. Note that write offs are controlled by a user privilege.

Preserving Column Widths in Saved Lists

When you add columns to a custom list view, the columns are added at a default width. If you want to preserve your column widths, there are a few more steps:

  1. Set the columns you want in Customise List View and click OK (without saving)
  2. Resize the columns in the list to what you need
  3. Go back into Customise List View and click the Save button to save the columns and their widths

Similarly if you have a saved collection that you wish to tweak (add, remove or resize columns), choose the collection from the Columns toolbar icon, make the changes, then choose Customise List View and save the view with the same name as previously used.

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Newsletter June 2023

In this newsletter …

MoneyWorks 9.1.4r1

The current MoneyWorks version is the newly released 9.1.4r1, and we recommend that you update as soon as convenient.

Included in this release are enhancements to Items, where you can specify override tax codes for each item. If an item has an override, it will be used when purchasing or selling the item. We have also tightened up on who can enable and disable MoneyWorks Services (you now must be an Administrator), and have added a Get Support item in the Help menu, to outline your support options (see below for more information on this).

The update also reintroduces separate print settings for each list. In some situations a list might be scaled incorrectly the first time it is output directly to a printer. In this case, start to reprint the list, but do a Page Setup in the Print List dialog settings before clicking the Print button.

For a complete list of changes, see the MoneyWorks 9.1.4 change notes.

New Support Services

Support details for New Zealand

The Help>Get Support window in MoneyWorks 9.1.4 lists the contact support information for your locale (in this case New Zealand) as well as your support history.

With the 9.1.4 release, we have taken the opportunity to implement a new support service. Although prompted by the pending demise of the New Zealand 0900 service (which, as a reminder, ends 30th June), we anticipate this new service will greatly streamline support and help keep costs down for MoneyWorks 9 users everywhere.

MoneyWorks 9 users can now register for support under Help>Manage Services. If you do this and lodge a credit/debit card, you will be issued with a support ID and PIN number. Quoting these numbers on a support call or email will allow us to identify you, recall your recent support history, and automatically charge for support used.

The Support ID and PIN, along with contact details for support, are available under Help>Get Support in MoneyWorks 9.1.4 (or Help>Manage Services in earlier versions of MoneyWorks 9). This also shows any prior support lodged under this support ID.

Organisations that need a lot of support, or don’t have access to credit cards, can apply for a support account (but still need to register under Manage Services).

When you register for support, you can also specify whether you need to supply a Purchase Order number. You can even require that a specific order number be supplied, enabling you to control who can access support.

UK Training Course

We have a MoneyWorks training course scheduled to be held in London on Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th July. For more details, or to book your place, see

MoneyWorks Price Increases

Somewhat sadly, and for the first time since MoneyWorks was released in 1992, we are having to raise prices for MoneyWorks products and subscriptions. From August 1st, MoneyWorks prices will increase by approximately 10%, depending on product and jurisdiction. This will affect new perpetual licences (and software maintenance on existing ones), MoneyWorks Now, and MoneyWorks subscriptions.

The charges for MoneyWorks Services (e.g. Shopify link, mwPOS) and support will not be increased at this time.

macOS Sonoma

Apple have announced that a new version of the Mac operating system (Sonoma) will be shipping later this year. As usual we will be ensuring MoneyWorks operates correctly with the new OS, but in the meantime Mac aficionados should resist the temptation to adopt Sonoma as their production machine. However if you are playing with a pre-release version of Sonoma and find any issues with MoneyWorks 9, please let us know.

Tips du Jour

1. Advanced Replace

Speaking of price increases, you can easily increase or decrease prices for a range of products by using the Advanced Replace facility in MoneyWorks. For example, to increase the price of products by 10% you would:

Advanced Replace to increase prices by 10%

  1. Highlight the affected products in the product list
  2. Choose Select>Advanced Replace
  3. In the Advanced Replace window that opens, set the Set Field popup to Sell Price
  4. In the formula box type sellPrice * 1.1
  5. Click Replace (you will be asked for confirmation)

The SellPrice values will be increased by 10% for the highlighted products (in the screenshot, we are just updating the Chrome products).

Note that there is no Undo for a replace like this, so proceed carefully! In practice do a File>Save, do the Replace and check the results. If something has gone wrong, rollback the file (choose File>Rollback)

2. Managing Image Size

The ability to store a digital image against a transaction is really useful for helping to make your office more paperless. This might be a PDF that has been emailed to you, or quite often it might be a paper document that you run through your scanner to get a JPEG (preferred) or a PDF. For scanned documents JPEG is preferred because it is directly viewable on all platforms, and also easier and much faster to recompress if that should be required.

It is worth being aware of the storage requirements of these images though. With inappropriate scanner settings, they may be far larger than they need to be. If you have access to DPI settings on your scanner, we highly recommend that you scan transaction documents at no more than 150DPI, which will provide sufficient quality and readability for record-keeping. Scanning lunch receipts at super high quality 2400DPI that take up multiple megabytes will result in unnecessarily hefty storage requirements on your server.

If you are the server administrator wrestling with very large images and hence very large backup files, you can encourage users to use appropriate scanner settings, or, failing that, you can look at Image Recompression.

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Newsletter March 2023

In this newsletter …

Announcing MoneyWorks Point of Sale (POS)

The MoneyWorks Point of Sale (POS) system is a simple but functional point of sale system for retail, hospitality and the like. Because it is a component of MoneyWorks, there is no need to run separate systems, with all the data-transfers and maintenance that this requires. Whenever a sale is entered in the POS, inventory levels and appropriate ledgers are automatically updated.

MoneyWorks POS main screen.

The MoneyWorks POS home screen.

Key features:

  • Visual display for PLU codes
  • Barcode scanning
  • Parked transactions (e.g. for bar tabs)
  • Weights, length and quantities
  • Handles tips and split payments
  • Capture customer details for loyalty schemes
  • Optionally exchange data with a master file running on a separate MoneyWorks Now or Datacentre system

MoneyWorks POS runs on MoneyWorks Gold, either as a stand-alone system or as a client for MoneyWorks Datacentre or MoneyWorks Now. The latter options thus allow for multiple stores and/or multiple-tills.

MoneyWorks POS is a MoneyWorks Service, and can be enabled under File>Manage Services.

For more information, download the MoneyWorks POS documentation.

MoneyWorks 9.1.3

The current MoneyWorks version is the newly released 9.1.3, and, as usual, we recommend that you update as soon as convenient.

End of macOS Sierra Support

To keep MoneyWorks running and up-to-date on the latest Mac systems, we need to use the latest Apple development tools. Recently Apple dropped Sierra from its supported platforms, and hence we can no longer build MoneyWorks versions that will work on Sierra. MoneyWorks 9.1.3 and later will not run on Sierra.

Support for new IRD protocols (New Zealand)

New Zealand users must update to MoneyWorks 9.1.3 to continue using IRD Connect (see below).

For more information see the MoneyWorks 9.1.3 change notes.

Changes to GST Filing (New Zealand)

The IRD have been revamping their backend technology, and this has imposed changes on how MoneyWorks and other systems communicate with them. MoneyWorks 9.1.3 uses the new protocols, but older versions do not. After the old protocols are deimplemented later this year, older MoneyWorks versions will no longer be able to file GST directly using IRD Connect.

End of 0900 NZ Support Service

Spark have advised us that the entire 0900 service in New Zealand is being shut down and will not be available after 30th June. We have used the 0900 service as the primary means of local phone support for over 25 years, and it has proved an efficient way to provide quality support at a low cost. We are working on a replacement support system, and will advise details in our next newsletter.

Upcoming Training Courses

Pandemics and floods permitting, we have training courses scheduled as follows:

  • Auckland (Tuesday 30th May)
  • Auckland (Wednesday 14th June)
  • London (Tuesday 18th July)
  • London (Wednesday 19th July)

For more details, or to book your place, see

We can also do targetted on-line training, normally using zoom. If you are interested in organising a one-on-one or group session please email

Recording Time and Viewing Reports from your Phone

A reminder that there are a couple of handy web apps available for Datacentre and MoneyWorks Now users. These run on most modern browsers, allowing access to some MoneyWorks functions from your smartphone.

The Reports app allows you to run any (authorised) report on your phone, so is great for keeping an eye on things while travelling.

MoneyWorks Timer

The MoneyWorks Timer.

The Timer app allows users to log time and materials used on jobs (so great for tradies, accountants, lawyers and others charging out time).

In essence the Timer app displays a list of active jobs from MoneyWorks and allows a timer to be started. This will run until it is stopped, or until another job’s timer is activated. The time can then be submitted back to MoneyWorks, where it will appear in the Job Sheet list. Similarly items can be requisitioned for a job, and these are recorded in the Job Sheet list. Billing for the job is done in the normal manner through the Bill Job facility in MoneyWorks.

For more information, see MoneyWorks Timer App.

Tips du Jour

    get Infor button

  • If you are trying to work out who entered a transaction, or when it was entered, or if a payment has been reconciled or an invoice paid, click the blue info button in the transaction toolbar. This opens a window displaying audit information about that transaction.
  • Did you know that previous newsletters back to March 2018 are archived on the MoneyWorks Blog (in fact did you even know there was a MoneyWorks blog)? If you are hunting for an old tip or story this is the place look.
  • With the end of the financial year almost here for many companies in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, it is a good time to review your end of year processes.
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Newsletter December 2022

In this final newsletter for 2022 …

And, just in case you don’t read the entire newsletter, we’ll take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, safe holiday and a successful 2023.

MoneyWorks 9.1.1

The current MoneyWorks version is the newly released 9.1.1, and, as usual, we recommend that you update as soon as convenient.

Singapore users must update to MoneyWorks 9.1.1 to remain compliant with the IRAS reporting framework (see below).

Note that, because of changes in the underlying MoneyWorks database, files opened in MoneyWorks 9.1.1 cannot be opened in earlier versions.

For more information see the MoneyWorks 9.1.1 change notes.

Singapore GST Changes

On 1st January 2023, the GST rates in Singapore will increase from 7% to 8%, with another increase to 9% on the 1st January 2024.

Handling a rate change in MoneyWorks is simple, and is outlined in Changing VAT and GST Rates. Essentially, for each affected tax code, you just need to set the changeover date to 1st Jan 2023 and the Rate2 value to 8% (and Rate1 to 7%). However there are transitional rules which may affect you. For example, if you are using overpayments in MoneyWorks as prepayments for invoices, and the full payment is received prior to the changeover date but the invoice after, GST on the invoice should be 7%.

Singapore has also introduced new requirements for GST reporting. These have been incorporated into the MoneyWorks 9.1.1 release, and are outlined at Singapore GST Changes and MoneyWorks.

If you need any clarification of the GST changes you should ask your accountant.

To meet IRAS reporting requirements, Singapore users must update to MoneyWorks 9.1.1.

Purchase Order Matching

Matching an invoice with a purchase order

Differences in items, quantities or prices between the original order and the received invoice are displayed.

If you are using purchase orders (POs) in MoneyWorks, and also importing purchase invoices (such as with eInvoicing, PDF scanning or some other form of EDI), you can’t use the standard MoneyWorks “Receipting Goods” process, as this will also create a purchase invoice and result in a double-up.

The “Purchase Order Matching” MoneyWorks Service offers a way to not only manage the order from an imported invoice, but also to highlight any discrepancies in items, prices and quantities ordered and invoiced. When a purchase invoice is opened for review, if there is an existing PO to the same supplier with the same PO number, a “Match to PO” button appears on the invoice screen. Clicking this will open a window which displays any differences in items, quanitities or prices between the invoice and the original PO.

Assuming you are happy with any discrepencies, clicking the “Post and Update Order” button will post the invoice and update the received quantities on the original PO. If the order is completed it will be moved to the “Bought” tab, so there is no need to process the PO with “Receive Goods with Invoice”.

Purchase Order Matching is a MoneyWorks Service, and can be enabled under File>Manage Services.

Microsoft Outlook and Drag-and-Drop

Most email programs support dragging attachments directly as files from an email message into other applications, for example into the image attachment icon in a MoneyWorks transaction to archive an invoice PDF or JPEG. The exception is Microsoft Outlook, which won’t directly deliver a file when you drag an attachment’s icon. However there is a workaround:

  • On Windows: This Outlook extension fixes Outlook’s drag functionality to allow attachments to be dragged to any application, including MoneyWorks.
  • Expose icon

    Hover over file name to expose icon.

  • On Mac: To copy an attached image file to a MoneyWorks transaction, double-click the attachment — this will open it in Preview. Now click on the small icon in the Preview window title bar and drag that into MoneyWorks and drop it on the Image attachment icon of the transaction entry window. In recent versions of the macOS, you need to hover over the file name in the title bar to expose the icon.

Holiday Support

Most of the MoneyWorks support and admin team will be taking a much needed break over the holiday period. “Taking a break” at Christmas in New Zealand means beaches, barbeques, boats, eating far too much, and generally relaxing (at least it will mean that if the weather improves!).

Phone support will be unavailable after 12:00pm on Friday 23rd December NZDT, and will resume on 9th January. Support will be available by emailing, but with a longer turn around time than normal.

Tips for email support

When emailing for support, it is better to include as much detail as possible. Our support team is good, but doesn’t yet have any clarivoyent power. For example, an email along the lines of “Help, MoneyWorks won’t start” (and we do get emails like this) won’t get a quick or meaningful response. With that in mind:

  • Be sure to include details of the MoneyWorks version you are using (e.g. MoneyWorks Express 9.1, MoneyWorks Now), as well as the version of your operating system (e.g. Windows 10, macOS Monterey).
    • On Windows, the MoneyWorks version number is available under Help>About MoneyWorks
    • On Mac, the MoneyWorks version number is available under MoneyWorks>About MoneyWorks
  • Outline what the problem is, and if you are getting an error message of some sort, tell us exactly what it says.
  • Where appropriate include a screen shot or two. For details on making screenshots see the March 2019 Newsletter.
  • Use a descriptive subject line — support tickets in a queue with a subject of “Help” or “MoneyWorks question” are not very informative, and as such are less likely to get the timely attention of the right person.
  • Tell us your company name and serial number where available (found under Help>Enter Serial) in case we need to verify your details.

Wishing you a safe and healthy festive season
The MoneyWorks Team

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Singapore GST changes and MoneyWorks

On 1st January 2023 there is both a GST rate increase to 8%, and new reporting requirements for GST. A further rate increase to 9% is set for 1st January 2024.

For details on handling the rate increase see Changing VAT and GST Rates in MoneyWorks. But also be aware that there are transition rules that need to be followed.

The new reporting requirements, which incorporate a reverse charge tax, are available in MoneyWorks 9.1.1. The F5 form and IRAS Connect require the use of the following tax codes to fill the designated boxes.

Box 14: Did you import services subject to GST under Reverse Charge?
LVRC A Reverse Tax which applies the claimable amount of the service only, and should only be used on purchase transactions.
LVRC- This applies to the non-claimable amount of the service, and should be set up as a normal GST tax at 0%.
Thus a purchase of a $200 service under reverse charge where 90% is claimable would be entered as:
MoneyWorks LVRC entry
Box 15: Did you operate an electronic marketplace to supply remote services subject to GST on behalf of third-party suppliers?
EMREM This is a normal GST code set up for 8% GST on or after 1st January 2023. It should only be used on sales transaction.
Box 16: Are you a redeliverer or electronic marketplace operator supplying imported low-value goods that is subject to GST?
LVRED This is a normal GST code set up for 8% GST on or after 1st January 2023. It should only be used on sales transaction.
Box 17: Did you supply imported low-value goods that is subject to GST?
LVOWN This is a normal GST code set up for 8% GST on or after 1st January 2023. It should only be used on sales transaction.
The net of transaction lines that use any of the above codes is also included in Box 1

You will need to set up these codes (under Show>Tax Rates) manually if you are affected by these new reporting requirements and your file was created in a version of MoneyWorks earlier than 9.1.1. Be sure to set LVRC as a Reversed Tax, and not to GST or VAT.

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Newsletter October 2022

In this newsletter …

Announcing MoneyWorks 9.1r2

The current MoneyWorks version is the newly released 9.1r2, and as usual we recommend that you update as soon as convenient.

Date Picker

Date Picker on Mac

The update includes quite a number of significant enhancements, including:

  • Improved Build capability to better handle serial and batch/lot numbers.
  • Optional date picker, for easier date selection (see tips du jour).
  • Improved handling of changes in transactions imported from Load Bank Statement.
  • Option to keep new modal windows on same screen (Windows only).
  • Folder creation/reveal capabilites (see Simple Document Management below).

For more information see the MoneyWorks 9.1 change notes.

macOS Ventura

Ventura, the next revision of the macOS, is expected to be available in October. As usual Apple have made some breaking changes, so we strongly advise updating to MoneyWorks 9.1 before you install Ventura. This is particularly important if you are intending to upgrade a Mac hosting the MoneyWorks Datacentre server, as Ventura breaks the MoneyWorks updater (you will need to reinstall Datacentre in this case).

Simple Document Management

Folder Button

If you are an engineer, accountant, manufacturer or similar you might have a folder of files that pertain to a particular product, client, job or similar. Enhancements in MoneyWorks 9.1 allow you to open such a folder when you are looking at a customer/product/job etc in MoneyWorks. For example, when looking at a product record, you can just click a button to open the folder containing the product drawings, costings, specifications, notes and whatever other information you have stored. For more information on this, see Simple Document Management

Remote Warehousing

Stocktake on an iPhone

Stocktake on an iPhone.

With MoneyWorks 9.1 we have also significantly enhanced the warehousing capabilities in MoneyWorks, allowing the following to be done from an iPhone/iPad (but not, before you ask, Android).

  • Inwards Goods: Receipting inwards goods.
  • Outwards Goods: Picking outwards goods.
  • Stock Requisition: Requisition items for a job.
  • Item Transfers: To a different stock location.
  • Quick Stock Take: For specified items only at a location.
  • Stock Take: Full stock take at a location.

If your items are barcoded you can use the camera on the device as a scanner. Serial and batch/lot numbers are fully supported.

Remote Warehousing will be available in late October as a MoneyWorks Service, and will use an enhanced version of MoneyWorks Go. If you want additional information or to be advised when it is available please email

MoneyWorks Customisations

The customisation abilities of MoneyWorks allow you to do much more with MoneyWorks than just the listed feature set (for example the Shopify, BigCommerce and WooCommerce services are essentially just customisations that we have made available as MoneyWorks Services). Here are some examples of customisations implemented by MoneyWorks users that we are aware of:

  • Price Books: Extending the MoneyWorks pricing levels to handle special pricing requirements. For example specific prices/discounts for products for a particular customer (or category of customer), often for a limited date range and/or minimum purchase quantities.
  • Manufacturing and Work Orders: Addition of work orders to the standard MoneyWorks lists. Work orders are essentially bills of material for bespoke manufacturing, allowing the costing, scheduling and management of production work orders. The final step of the work order management is the creating of the finished stock in MoneyWorks based on the actual items used in production (which can vary from the original plan).
  • Purchase Order Consolidation: Allowing multiple purchase orders to be combined into one invoice, which generally corresponds to one or more containers being shipped from that supplier.
  • Contract management: For builders, a single MoneyWorks screen to manage contracts, including variations. Budgets and actual costs are displayed in a single management window.
  • Weighbridge recording: When trucks, generally with scoria or similar, are weighed on the company weighbridge, the weight and job information is automatically recorded in MoneyWorks for customer billing.
  • Trucking:Taking information from and automatically generating invoices based on a special pricebook in MoneyWorks that caters for type of vehicle and container, kilometres/zones travelled, fuel surcharges and specific customer charges/discounts.
  • EDI:Receiving and/or sending transactions such as invoices or orders in electronic format. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is a term, not a standard, so companies have developed their own formats, each of which must be specially catered for. MoneyWorks does of course support the international PEPPOL standard for eInvoicing in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the UK.

If customisations such as these might be useful to your organisation, or you have bottlenecks that you think could be overcome by some sort of automated process, please contact us.

Enhanced Build Command

In MoneyWorks 9.1 we have enhanced the Build command so it better handles components with serial or batch/lot numbers, as well as finished goods that may have serial/batch numbers. Essentially when you build an item and MoneyWorks detects that the item or its components require serial/batch numbers, the items are displayed in the Build window and the serial/batch numbers can be entered directly. Components will have serial/batch numbers already recorded in MoneyWorks (these show in red), finished goods will need new serial/batch numbers to be allocated (these show in blue).

For example, the item “SERIALISEDITEM” requires a serial number. It has a bill of materials that includes (amongst other components) three SER2 (each of which will have serial numbers) and 1.5 of item BATCH (which has a batch number). If we are building two of these we would have the following enhanced Build screen:

Build with serial numbers

Serial and batch number entry on enhanced build.

Tips du Jour

Quick date entry: A quick way to type a date that falls in the current month is to just type the day number. When you tab out, MoneyWorks will fill in the month and year for you. If the date is in a different month in the same calendar year, enter day/month (or month/day if you are using American dates), and tabbing out will fill in the current year. This works with and without the date picker.

Date Picker If you prefer not to use the Date Picker, turn it off in Edit>MoneyWorks Preferences>General. MoneyWorks Preferences are specific to each computer, so turning this off will not affect other users.

Windowing Issues: If your windows get too wide for your screen (this can happen when, for example, you have a lot of custom columns and move to a smaller screen) you can reset them as outlined in this article. Also for Windows users, MoneyWorks 9.1 has an option “Always open new windows on the main screen” under the Windows menu (so all new windows and alerts will be together on the screen in which the MoneyWorks frame window is located).

Posted in News | Comments Off on Newsletter October 2022

Newsletter March 2022

2022 is something of a milestone year for us, as February marked thirty years since the first release of MoneyWorks. Just for fun we’ve included some screen shots from the (almost) first version.

What’s in this newsletter

Remembering MoneyWorks 1.0.2

Today’s MoneyWorks is a vastly different product to the original, with features that were inconceivable “back in the day”. But it is built on the very solid architecture and foundations of the original MoneyWorks 1.0, which shipped on a single 420K floppy disk in February 1992. MoneyWorks 1.0 was for Mac only, Windows 95 being but a twinkle in Bill Gates’s eye. PC users had to wait until 1998 and MoneyWorks 2.1 before they could use MoneyWorks (and oddly, there are still people out there happily using MoneyWorks 2.1 on Windows!).

Below is a brief retrospective overview of MoneyWorks 1.0.2, which, at the risk of sounding like David Attenborough, is the oldest extant version that we know of. These are courtesy of Andrew from Capistrano Beach in California who, somewhat incredibly, has a functioning Mac SE from the late 1980’s.

MoneyWorks 1 finder view

The MoneyWorks 1 disk in the Finder (the Mac SE is running System 6.0.8). It is astonishing how small the screens were on the original Macs.

MoneyWorks 1 transaction list

The original MoneyWorks transaction list was a representation of a filing cabinet. Unfortunately the screen shot has no transactions, but the basic metaphor has been used ever since.

MoneyWorks 1 names list

The names list from the sample tutorial file, which was based on a hypothetical school. Schools were a big user of MoneyWorks (and indeed, still are).

MoneyWorks 1 customer/supplier entry screen

The original entry window for customers and suppliers. Now there are many more fields and options (email for example didn’t exist in 1992), which are organised over different tabbed panels.

MoneyWorks 1 preferences

The preferences window. Life was simpler in 1992!

MoneyWorks 1 account enquiry

The account enquiry screen. Presumably it didn’t have drill down capability in those days.

Announcing MoneyWorks 9.0.8

The current MoneyWorks version is the just released 9.0.8, and as usual we recommend that you update as soon as convenient. For more information see the change notes.


Support for Multi-Jurisdiction Tax Filing

With the explosion in on-line sales over the last few years, many countries are requiring that you (as a supplier) collect and pay GST/VAT for on-line sales into their country, even though you might have no physical presence there. For example, you must register for Australian GST if your sales into Australia exceed $AU75,000 per annum (for New Zealand the threshold is $NZ60,000).

In MoneyWorks 9.0.8 we have made managing offshore GST/VAT handling much easier. Offshore businesses selling into Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Singapore and the UK can use the built-in MoneyWorks Guide forms to prepare their returns, and for the last three of those countries, the returns can be submitted direct to the tax authorities using the MoneyWorks electronic GST/VAT filing. For more details see Paying GST/VAT in Multiple Countries.


Shopify, BigCommerce and WooCommerce support

If you are operating a web store based on one of these platforms, a direct connection from MoneyWorks Gold/Datacentre is now available as a MoneyWorks Service. In essence, you just click a button in MoneyWorks to download your latest sales/orders. For more information see the notes on Shopify, BigCommerce and WooCommerce.


Singapore on-line GST filing

We’ve been working with IRAS over the last few months to bring on-line submission of GST Returns (F5, F7 and F8) to MoneyWorks. This is part of their ASR+ Digital Products initiative. We anticipate this will be ready in late April, once it has gone through the final step of IRAS’s very rigorous approval process. For information on how this works see Singapore On-Line Filing.


It’s time to reinstall TeamViewer QuickSupport

If you have used our telephone support, you will be aware that during calls we use TeamViewer to access your screen. A problem we are encountering is that many of you are using ancient versions of TeamViewer, and these will shortly stop working.

The next time you need to use Teamviewer, start it in the normal manner by choosing Help>User TeamViewer QuickSupport. In the confirmation dialog box that opens, hold down option key (Mac) or the shift key (Windows) and click on the “Use TeamViewer” button. You will then be invited to install the newest version (after the installation is done, you need to choose Help>Use TeamViewer QuickSupport again to start the session).

Some tips on using TeamViewer

  • When you first run TeamViewer on a Mac you will need to give it access to Screen Recording and Accessibility (it will prompt you, but you may need to go into System Preferences>Security & Privacy>Privacy and specifically enable these for TeamViewer).
  • Always start TeamViewer before you phone, as this will save you money (and us time).
  • When you give the password, please “describe” the letters (e.g. “f for freddy”, “s for sally”). Often we cannot distinguish the spoken letters, especially if the line is a bit noisy.


Supported Mail Clients on Mac

You can send emails from MoneyWorks using your local mail client only if the client supports Mac automation. These are the supported clients:

  • Apple Mail
  • Microsoft Outlook 16 (2022) (not in “New Outlook” mode — this mode does not support automation)
  • Microsoft Outlook 2016
  • Microsoft Outlook 2011

Unfortunately Thunderbird and “New Outlook” cannot be supported as they have no provision for automation.


End of Financial Year

With the end of the financial year approaching in a number of jurisdictions it might be timely to review this resource topic: What should I do at the End of Financial Year?.


Tips du Jour

If you are operating on a computer with more than one screen, you can occasionally “lose” a window–you open a Window and nothing appears to happen. This is usually caused by some physical reconfiguration of your screens, so MoneyWorks is opening the window on a screen in the last place you left it, but that screen is no longer there. Depending on the type of window, here’s how to fix it:

  • If the window is non-modal (so you can still access the menu bar at the top of the screen), choose Window>Cascade Windows, and all open windows should appear cascading down your screen.
  • If the window is modal you will not be able to access the menu bar. Instead press the escape key (esc) on your keyboard to close the window (it is still open somewhere, but you just can’t see it). Then hold down the shift and ctrl keys and re-open the window, which should open it in the default position on your main screen.


Posted in News | Comments Off on Newsletter March 2022